What do you do with my DNA information?Updated 2 years ago
Consumers should be aware that we take data privacy seriously, and our industry reputation in this arena remains untarnished throughout our over 10 years of business wherein we have handled thousands of blood tests.
We treat DNA with the same level of security rigor.
InsideTracker is fully compliant with the HIPAA Standards for Privacy, Electronic Transactions and Security (including the HITECH Act and the Omnibus Rule of 2013). We have implemented policies, processes, and procedures designed to ensure compliance with Federal security laws, regulations, and rules, and we monitor ongoing compliance efforts and maintain various reporting mechanisms that are required by law or requested by our customers. We recognize that it is a key responsibility for our business and will continue to provide all of our various programs and services in accordance with the relevant requirements of all federal laws and regulations, including, as applicable,
Security and vigilance does not stop. We have implemented best practices for security and are continuously improving them to meet the highest industry standards.
Your DNA data is...
- Encrypted - We translate your data into another form, or code, so that only people with access to a secret key or password can read it.
- Obfuscated - Our code is intentionally obscured to prevent reverse engineering and delivers unclear code to anyone other than the programmer.
- Anonymized - We remove or modify personally identifiable information; it results in anonymized data that cannot be associated with any one individual.
- Deidentified - DNA data that is in the process of being analyzed is identified only with its registration code (no user name)
- We do not analyze consumer’s DNA samples for information on traits outside those which we have disclosed.
- i.e., we cannot see whether someone has the BRCA mutation or is predisposed to Alzheimers. We are also unable to provide this information at a consumer’s request.
- All data is stored in an encrypted database separate from all other InsideTracker data
- Users should be careful in choosing to sharing their DNA data with anyone else - InsideTracker works hard to protect the data that is within their InsideTracker account but we cannot be responsible for the data once it is shared outside our system
- Users have to give separate permission to permit InsideTracker to use their de-identified, aggregated DNA information for research.