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What are the benefits of connecting my fitness tracker with InsideTracker?Updated 10 months ago

InsideTracker is constantly working to improve our Fitness Tracker usability and we are actively working on adding new integrations and tracking more available metrics. When you connect your Apple, Garmin, or Fitbit device, you'll have access to the more features in your InsideTracker app.

Fitness marker tracking:

  • Resting Heart Rate (RHR)
  • VO2 Max
  • Step Count
  • Sleep Duration
  • Detailed sleep breakdown (Fitbit and Garmin only)
    • REM sleep and REM sleep %
    • Deep sleep and deep sleep %
    • Light sleep
  • Time in bed (Apple Health only)

Activity tracking:

  • Display your most recently completed activity in the Home Screen of the app
  • Receive Activity ProTips for eligible workouts
  • Automatically get checked-in for some exercise and sleep recommendations

We currently only offer connections to a single tracker at a time.

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