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How can I get the most from my DeepDive?Updated 7 months ago

To get the most value from your 7-day Nutrition DeepDive experience, here are some helpful tips.


  1. Get recent blood results. 
    Before starting your deepdive, make sure we have recent blood work. Use blood work that is less than 6 months old to get the most relevant and accurate insights on how your diet may be impacting your blood values.

  2. Connect your fitness tracker. 
    To learn how your meal timing affects your sleep and performance, be sure to connect your fitness tracker before you start your Nutrition DeepDive. InsideTracker connects with Apple Health Kit, Garmin, Fitbit and Oura. Make sure your tracker is synced with your InsideTracker app for key insights into how your eating pattern interacts with your physiological data from these wearables. Be sure to wear your tracker at night for information about how your nutrition interacts with your sleep.

  3. Update your health profile.
    Make sure that your health profile is up-to-date with accurate weight and lifestyle info to accurately define your nutrient consumption recommendations.

  4. Log your meals and supplements as you go.
    Turn on notifications in the app to receive reminders about logging your meals. Logging your intake as close to your meal as possible will ensure a more accurate record. Don't worry if you miss a meal -- you can always go back and add entries before you finalize your report.

  5. Follow your normal routine.
    Your usual habits have the biggest impact on your health. We want a true picture of what normal looks like for you, which is why we collect your intake over 7 days.

  6. Log items by scanning.
    Remember, you can scan foods, package labels and barcodes. You can also scan supplement labels and barcodes. We're growing our supplement database. If you cannot find your supplement by scanning the barcode, try using Search.

  7. Use Search to find more foods and supplements.
    The Search function accesses a database of millions of items and makes it easier to find alternatives.

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