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Category Testing

Can I transfer a Healthspan Category Test?

No. At this time, you can not transfer a category test to another user.

Can I gift a Healthspan Category Test?

No. At this time, you can not gift a category test to another user.

How does a Healthspan Category Test affect my current Action Plan? Will it replace the current recommendations or add to them?

A category test will trigger a new Action Plan. It will contain recommendations based on both your new results (for the category[s] you just tested) and your old results (for the categories you did not test).

Who can buy Healthspan Category Tests?

Category tests are only available to current InsideTracker members based in the U.S. and Canada.

Will members be able to buy a Healthspan Category Test if they don’t already have a score for that category? For example, I haven't uploaded any inflammation biomarkers. Now I want to buy an inflammation test.

As long as you are an active InsideTracker member based in the U.S. or Canada, you can purchase whatever category test you would like.

Where can I find the Healthspan Category Test store?

You won't find category tests in the usual InsideTracker store. Instead, you'll purchase them directly from your personal health dashboard. Here's how: 1. Log in and click "Results" on the navigation bar. 2. Find a button that says "Test your progres

Why are some categories more expensive than others?

Some blood biomarkers are more difficult to process than others. Generally speaking, higher-priced category tests contain biomarkers that require extra processing steps.

How do I activate my category test?

Watch this walk-through video for instructions. Or you can follow these steps: - Log in to your account at - Hover over your name in the top-right corner. From the drop-down menu, click “Orders.”- Select “Activate now” next to “Cat